There’s hardly a genre better suited for audio than romance. Whether it’s a tender story of first love or a passionate affair, listening to narrators at the top of their game carefully unravel the threads of a love story is an enchanting way to consume these heartfelt stories. In this list of the best romance audiobooks, you’ll find romantic tropes, diverse and distinct characters ready to fall in love, and remarkable, innovative audio recordings with standout performances. Hit play on love stories - new and old - and get ready to feel all of the feels.


Outlander features time travel and a sensual historical romance set in mediaeval Scotland and 1940s England. While fans may argue that Outlander is not a proper romance because it incorporates so many elements of other genres (historical fiction, sci-fi, drama and more!), it’s precisely these diverse story elements that make it feel so immersive. In this swoon-worthy adventure, Hall of Fame narrator Davina Porter’s pitch-perfect accents brings characters from different time zones and countries to life. She easily switches between English and Scottish accents and introduces and maintains distinct character voices for the entirety of this historical fiction audiobook, making the listening experience entirely irresistible.

Bared to You

In Bared to You, you’ll be introduced to Eva and Gideon—both successful financially and a bit of a mess personally—and things get intense right from the start. As the young woman and man grapple with their overwhelming chemistry, they also struggle to cope with their dark pasts, slowly realising it may be possible to learn to trust again. One of the best parts of a great romance is its all-encompassing, can’t-stop-listening nature, and Bared to You channels that quality. Narrator Jill Redfield brings a thrilling edge to this romantic listen through her expert narration. The story grows so intense that it feels like half-romance and half-psychological drama, leaving listeners blushing and breathless.

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice brings us the timeless love story of bright, enchanting Elizabeth Bennet and surly, brooding Mr. Darcy, surrounded by an endlessly entertaining cast of characters. Set in Regency England, this Jane Austen classic is one of the best romance novels. Academy Award nominee Rosamund Pike—who first played Jane Bennet in the 2005 film adaptation and performed the audiobook brilliantly—clearly loves the story as much as listeners do. As those familiar with Austen know, a performance of her work is incomplete without a narrator who can highlight the subtle, nuanced humour that shines through in her prose. Thankfully, Pike does precisely that, and her narrative style wonderfully conveys the satirical side of Bennet’s story and the sometimes silly nature of romance. Discover which characters find a second chance, true love and live happily ever after in Jane Austen’s iconic romance novel that continues to delight, listen after listen.

The Duchess Deal

Romance fans will be familiar with the trope that begins this audiobook. The Duke of Ashbury needs an heir, which means a wife is necessary. Enter Emma Gladstone, and there you have it: a marriage of convenience. What follows is an impeccably written tale filled with genuine, heartfelt emotion, a dash of humour, and, yes, plenty of steamy moments. The Duke begins their arrangement with lots of rules to maintain emotional distance (no questions about his battle scars, for a start). Still, Emma comes prepared with rules of her own (dinner every evening, with a conversation, whether the Duke likes it or not), and it doesn’t take long for the romance to begin. Tessa Dare is one of the current reigning queens of the romance genre, and she’s well-matched with performer Mary Jane Wells. Their characterizations of the two protagonists fill this story with the humour, tension, and tenderness it deserves.

Burn for Me

With Burn for Me, New York Times bestselling author Ilona Andrews launches a brand new series called Hidden Legacy, blends noir, fantasy, and love in its daring debut. The story follows detective Nevada Baylor on a mission to bring in fugitive Prime—a most talented and treacherous magician. Although that wasn’t a challenge enough, she’s then kidnapped by the equally powerful (and tantalisingly attractive) Connor Mad Rogan, who happens to be after the same dangerous target. As these reluctant partners embark on their mission, they encounter a cast of colourfully diverse characters that narrator Renee Raudman plays with dynamic voices and distinct personalities, making this story even easier to get lost in.


When Violet Hall meets Alex Waters, a professional player (of both hockey and women), she’s sure she knows what she’s gotten herself into. She allows herself to enjoy what she thinks will be a one-night stand and prepares to write Alex off just like the rest. But when he becomes smarter, quicker, and more interested than she anticipated, Violet unexpectedly finds herself trying to resist falling for him—and falling into the whirlwind of his player lifestyle, where she knows she’s likely to get hurt. As though the insane romantic tension between Violet and Alex wasn’t enough, Pucked is narrated via alternating performances between John McLaren and Muffy Newtown. They perfectly capture the pair’s banter, miscommunications, and mutual attraction in a way that will leave you with butterflies.


In this modern twist on the marriage of convenience trope, Holland Baker, a 25-year-old New Yorker, weds veritable stranger and Irish immigrant Calvin McLoughlin. Her motivation? To save her uncle’s Broadway show and pay Calvin back for rescuing her from a subway attack. The big-city setting and chemistry between the characters add a zing to this sweet story. Still, the true highlight is narrator K.C. Sheridan’s effortless delivery and Irish accent, which lends authenticity to Calvin’s character. The gentle, tender love that grows from these unconventional roots will touch your heart in a lasting way. No wonder Roomies is adored by listeners worldwide.


Wanderlust is a dual-narration romance rich with chemistry, tension, and sexy accents, all from the mind of Lauren Blakely, one of the most beloved names in romance. Grace Grant plays the enthusiastic, career-driven American in Paris. Still, the charming tenor of British actor Richard Armitage steals the show as her translator, Griffin (especially as he switches quickly from English to French—swoon!). Joy begins her trip determined to keep things professional; after all, with this being Griffin’s last assignment before he takes off to travel the world, both expats know now isn’t the time to be making new commitments. But within just a few conversations, the pair’s chemistry is only too apparent. Complete with a setting in the most romantic city in the world, this contemporary romance listen is all but impossible to resist.

Evvie Drake Starts Over

Best known for hosting NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast, Linda Holmes turns her considerable storytelling talents to the romance genre in Evvie Drake Starts Over. Julia Wheelan narrates Holmes’s words with a steady, thoughtful tone that complements how the story gracefully handles the two main characters’ different, intensely personal tragedies that become the bond that brings them together. Listeners arrive in the story’s coastal Maine setting alongside Dean, a struggling MLB pitcher. His crippling anxiety has forced him to take a hiatus from his career and the media whirlwind back in New York. When he moves into the apartment at the back of recently widowed Evvie’s property, the two form a friendship that quickly blossoms into something more.

Stuck-Up Suit

In Stuck-Up Suit, dual authors Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward flesh out a daydream that most listeners can identify with—the one in which we see a good-looking stranger on the train and imagine introducing ourselves, flirting, and starting an epic romance. At first, Soraya hates everything about the loud, rude, arrogant man across from her on the train (except his looks, of course). But when he drops his phone, Soraya picks it up on a whim and drops it off at his office—though not before leaving a steamy little photo on it to remember her by. She never expects him to respond, but it doesn’t take long for things to start heating up when he does. Pure fun with seductive storytelling, this contemporary romance is a must-listen—the two narrators expertly heighten the chemistry between the leads, increasing the romantic tension at a tantalising pace that leaves the listener feeling breathless.

Black Sheep

Cannon Freeman becomes the black sheep in his infamous criminal family when he shifts his loyalty from his family to the love of his life, Drew Carson. This fast-paced crime-romance starts with a daring set of romance books in audio format in which Cannon and Drew defend their love—and their lives—from the notorious Cassos. The world Meghan March has built is just as captivating as the leading couple’s electric chemistry. The back-and-forth performance by Hall of Fame narrator Andi Arndt and fan-favourite Sebastian York is not only irresistibly sexy but also perfectly captures the drama, intrigue, and danger of the Mafia world.

One Day in December

Keep your tissues nearby for this one, as it’s a full-on, lifelong love story that follows Laurie and Jack from their first almost-meeting through a decade of heartbreak, hope, and love. Narrators Eleanor Tomlinson and Charlie Anson are ceaselessly charming, and their sweet performance is likely to elicit some warm, fuzzy feelings in listeners. A selection in Reese Witherspoon’s much-adored book club, One Day in December is a story of missed connections and fated coincidences that’s utterly devastating, hilarious, and heartwarming. It’s easy to feel like you’re listening to an additional storyline from Love Actually.

Red, White & Royal Blue

This is a love story that spans the Atlantic—on one side, listeners have Alex, the First Son of the first female President of the United States, and on the other, Henry, the Prince of Wales, youngest grandson to the Queen of England. We never wanted to leave the world lovingly constructed by author Casey McQuiston, and we’re not sure we’ll ever be ready to let go of Alex and Henry’s sweet, sexy, and enthralling love story. Superb narrator Ramon de Ocampo not only lends a unique voice to each character but also guides listeners through extreme depths of emotion. As Alex and Henry tackle some of their lives’ most challenging issues—divorce, depression, coming out, and their relationship with fame, Ocampo reads the third-person point of view, making us feel as in love with the couple as they are with each other.

Fifty Shades of Grey

Fan favourite, bestseller, listened to by millions—you’ve undoubtedly heard of Fifty Shades of Grey. If you haven’t already, consider this your invitation to dive into the worldwide sensation Fifty Shades of Grey. The young, mild-mannered Anastasia Steele is a literature graduate and now a reporter, which is evident in how the character articulately describes her experiences with the mysterious Christian Grey. Becca Battoe is a perfect choice to play the naive ingenue being led out of her comfort zone and into the sexual unknown, crafting an actual performance that makes Steele and Grey and the exploits they share—feel all the more real. Contemporary romance meets erotica in the first book in a series that will keep hearts racing.

Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs

Paranormal romance superstar Molly Harper turns the good-girl-gone-bad trope in this unexpectedly funny vampire rom-com. Jane Jameson, who’s been nothing short of an angel her whole life, finally gets fed up one day after being fired disrespectfully. She goes out drinking to blow off some steam, and the next thing she knows, she’s woken up as a vampire. Hearing the protagonist figure out her new life and her new, very inconvenient thirst for blood is funny, thanks to narrator Amanda Ronconi’s perfect delivery of the wry, witty writing. Throw in a love story and a murder-framing plot that add more layers of comical complication to Jane’s life, and you have the recipe for a truly refreshing take on the vampire romance. This romantic comedy earns its rightful place on our list of the best romantic audiobooks.

Northern Lights

There are few names as widely recognizable in the romance and mystery genres as the prolific Nora Roberts. With Northern Lights, she blends her romantic expertise with elements of the investigative crime for a fast-paced, heart-racing story. Set in the beautiful small town of Lunacy, Alaska, the story brings together two fiercely independent spirits: Nate Burke, a hardened chief of police running from his past, and the private, capable Meg Galloway, who prefers the company of her huskies over that of men. But an unexpected New Year’s kiss seems poised to change everything—until Nate uncovers evidence that a long-lost killer may still be in their midst.

The Hating Game

Few romance tropes are better known (or better loved!) than the tension of enemies slowly becoming friends. Sally Thorne takes this favourite trope to the workplace. She introduces us to Lucy and Joshua; two ambitious individuals stuck together in a corner office vying for the same promotion. They’re constantly trying to one-up each other, and when their games go too far, they’re left to wonder if that burning they feel for the other person is hate—or something else entirely. The Hating Game is a slow burn of a tale that narrator Katie Schorr voices with mischief and humour. If a classic and clever will-they-or-won’t-they romance is right up your alley, this is the listen for you.

A Princess in Theory

Naledi Smith keeps getting emails from an African prince claiming to be her betrothed. Like any sane person (and especially like the intelligent, practical grad student she is), Naledi thinks they’re spam and sends them to the trash immediately. But when it turns out that they aren’t, she finds she’s in for quite the unexpected royal adventure. With her fresh and razor-sharp wit, author Alyssa Cole keeps their burgeoning relationship sexy and fun. Masterfully performed by Karen Chilton, who captures the essence of the regal Prince Thabiso and the sceptical Naledi, this contemporary romance novel provides a much-needed refresh to the overwhelming Eurocentric sameness of royal romances.

The Kiss Quotient

Stella Lane values logic and maths, a temperament further reinforced by her Asperger’s syndrome. Nonetheless, she’s decided that as a highly successful 30-year-old woman, the only thing she has left to learn are lessons in the love department. She does what anyone looking for expert advice and guidance would do and hires a professional: escort Michael Phan. This romance book is a charming and utterly unique romance as Stella applies her logical approach to learning everything there is to know about love and sex. Narrator Carly Robins has the difficult task of making love scenes sound clinical and sexy simultaneously. But she manages it so flawlessly that by the time Stella starts to realise she’s developed feelings for her unconventional tutor, it’s likely that listeners are feeling it too.

Broken Knight

This girl-next-door loves boy-next-door story isn’t like most love stories we’ve heard before. Broken Knight carries all the sweetness of childhood love between neighbours Luna and Knight, who grew apart as they fell into different cliques but kept their love. But it also addresses a weighty plotline filled with tragedy and angst—and the couple at the centre is more authentic, emotionally raw, and compelling for it. This romantic audiobook also stands out for its large cast of narrators: Savannah Peachwood, Jacob Morgan, C.J. Bloom, and Christian Rummel perform different characters with different perspectives on the events. The entire cast works perfectly to underline the central couple’s struggle to find each other in the suffocatingly opinionated confines of their small town.

Bridgerton: The Duke and I

Having skyrocketed to fame through the recent Netflix adaptation, Bridgerton: The Duke and I takes the listener back to Pride and Prejudice-esque Regency London. In an era where society’s mores are dictated by endless rules and conventions, two perfectly matched main characters develop an elaborate ruse to save one from the pressure to marry and the other attract a worthy suitor. However, as listeners know very well, love can arrive when you least expect it. The Duke and I is a clever love story set in the fascinating world of London’s elite, and Rosalyn Landor’s narrative gives this gripping story a new lease of life.

Jane Eyre

Charlotte Bronte’s famous love story, Jane Eyre is a fascinating and turbulent tale of one woman’s life from childhood to adulthood. Having grown up orphaned and seemingly unwanted by everyone around her, this story follows Jane on her new journey of becoming the governess at Thornfield Hall, under the watchful eye of the mysterious Mr. Rochester. In this audio take on the esteemed classic, Thandiwe Newton’s voice will captivate you in this roller-coaster of a romance, full of mystery, secrets and longing, and the social struggles of being a woman in the early 19th century. One of the best romance books of all time, Jane Eyre is a classic that can’t be missed.

The Notebook

Known for its famous 2004 film adaptation, Nicholas Sparks’ The Notebook is a heart-wrenching love story that spans decades. In this thrilling tale of love that powers through war, separation, and disease, the besotted couple of Noah and Allie are portrayed authentically and emotionally by narrators Campbell Scott and Kate Nelligan. Battling through the challenges of Allie’s Alzheimer’s disease, The Notebook follows Noah’s dedication to keeping the story of their love alive by reading it to Allie and recounting their love from the very first day. The Notebook is a true testimony to ’til-death-do-us part, showing the listener that true love can survive anything.

Wuthering Heights

Emily Bronte’s gothic romance, full of passion, revenge and highly-flawed characters, has listeners gripped from the beginning to the end. Set in the harsh and rugged Yorkshire moors, Wuthering Heights follows the explosive and intense love story between the volatile Heathcliff and his adoptive sister Cathy. As the narrative jumps between past and present, the listener becomes immersed in the complexity of this classic love story, rich in vengeance, devotion, and fascinating historical context. Through the narration of Patricia Routledge, of Keeping Up Appearances fame, this audio truly does this chaotic and sophisticated love story justice. Wuthering Heights is an unforgettable story about both love and loss.

The Kiss Quotient

The Kiss Quotient is a quirky, charming, and heartfelt romance that takes a different look at love. Helen Hoang’s main character is a mathematic genius who finds it difficult to interact with others, and thus takes the logical step to hire an escort in order to learn and practise connecting. This audiobook is in many ways a classic tale of romance in which a male character swoops in and eventually rescues the female from a loveless, lonely life, but this title is made more unique by its representation of individuals with Asperger’s and the way it represents different types of love. The representation allows us to connect with the story in a new way, seeing love, intimacy, and romance from a fresh and different perspective.

The Wedding Date

The Wedding Date by Jasmine Guillory is a cute, heartwarming, and light listen. This sweet story will have you believing in love again. Thrown together in a seemingly random chance meeting, Alexa agrees to be Drew’s plus-one at a wedding. What started out as a date purely due to circumstance—a one time thing—becomes so much more when the two realise that what started by chance has blossomed into something meaningful. The Wedding Date is a perfect listen for those looking for a sweet tale with a happy ending, and all the warm and fuzzy love story feels.

Call Me by Your Name

Call Me By Your Name is one of the best recent releases in romantic fiction. Powerful, passionate and moving, it is a favourite romance story among LGBTQ+ listeners, young adults and anyone who simply loves a good love story. Author André Aciman created a true modern classic that quickly became hugely popular, winning everything from the Washington Post Best Fiction Book of the Year, to New York Times Notable Book of the Year, and then being adapted into a major motion picture hit. This audiobook is narrated by the film’s lead Armie Hammer, who delivers a moving, engaging and truly powerful performance. An absolute must listen.