
  • Background Checks - The Work Wire
    Jun 7 2024

    Can background checks truly make or break the safety and integrity of your workplace? Join us for an insightful conversation as Bob Goodwin, President of Career Club and Johnny C Taylor Jr, President and CEO of SHRM, shares his eye-opening personal experiences that highlight the critical importance of thorough background checks. We discuss how these essential measures can coexist harmoniously with DEI initiatives, creating a balanced and secure environment where both safety and diversity thrive.

    In this engaging episode, we navigate the fine line between offering second chances and maintaining workplace safety. Discover the nuanced art of individualized assessments over blanket decisions, especially when hiring candidates with criminal backgrounds. We delve into the significance of verifying educational credentials and the far-reaching implications of dishonesty, emphasizing the importance of empathy, understanding, and due diligence in informed hiring practices.

    We also tackle the often-overlooked consequences of background checks on existing employees and the ethics of periodic evaluations. What happens when a top performer is caught in a lie about their qualifications? How do social media behaviors impact professional reputations? And, when is it appropriate to rely on informal background checks for deeper insights? Join us as we explore these compelling questions, stressing the vital role of trust, values, and comprehensive due diligence in hiring decisions.

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    42 mins
  • End of Resumes - The Work Wire
    May 24 2024

    Are traditional resumes becoming relics of the past? Tune in as I, Bob Goodwin, alongside the insightful Johnny C. Taylor Jr., President and CEO of SHRM, unravel the complex tapestry of talent acquisition. We dive into the debate over whether industry experience and academic pedigree should remain the linchpins of the hiring process, potentially sidelining untapped talent. Together, we navigate the promises and pitfalls of skills-based hiring, dissecting how AI is revolutionizing the way HR navigates the sea of candidates while maintaining a steadfast grip on risk management.

    As a former labor and employment lawyer, I bring a nuanced lens to the legal tightrope of modern hiring practices, as Johnny and I dissect the equity at stake when rewriting the rules of recruitment. We share a vision of a workplace where a candidate's unique journey can be the key to fresh industry perspectives, advocating for a hiring culture that prizes learning agility and emotional intelligence over traditional checkboxes. This episode is a clarion call for a seismic shift in how we define qualifications, urging an inclusive approach to talent evaluation that doesn't compromise excellence. Join us as we champion the transformative potential of inclusive hiring and the power it holds to reshape industries.

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    36 mins
  • Is Remote Dead? - The Work Wire
    May 17 2024

    Discover the future of work as we navigate the post-pandemic world alongside SHRM President and CEO Johnny C. Taylor Jr. This episode promises to unravel the complexities of hybrid work environments, a topic that has gained traction since the seismic shift in workplace models. Together, we'll explore the intricacies of balancing remote flexibility with the essential needs of in-person collaboration, a challenge that is reshaping the way we think about productivity and professional well-being.

    As the world grapples with the nuances of hybrid work, we shine a spotlight on how this model impacts diverse employee demographics, especially underrepresented minorities. With Johnny C. Taylor Jr. at the helm, our discussion traverses the crucial role of empathy in the workplace and probes the evolving dance between employee preferences and employer policies. We also tackle the tricky subject of proximity bias and its potential to hinder career growth, making a strong case for why a hybrid model may just be the key to equitable and effective work conditions.

    Rounding off our conversation, we scrutinize the tech industry's response to remote work trends. From Silicon Valley giants reassessing their work policies to the broader cultural implications of aligning personal values with professional spaces, we leave no stone unturned. As we dissect the varying perceptions of CEOs and their policy enforcement, we affirm the necessity for mutual respect and open dialogue in shaping a work culture that honors both employer mandates and employee choice. Tune in for an episode that doesn't just provide insights but encourages a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of work.

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    38 mins
  • Followership - The Work Wire
    May 15 2024

    Discover why being a follower might just be as crucial as being a leader with Bob Goodwin, President of Career Club and Johnny C. Taylor Jr., SHRM's President and CEO. This episode takes a surprising turn as we scrutinize the societal obsession with leadership and the overlooked art of followership.

    Prepare to have your notions of success and influence turned on their head as we uncover what it means to be an exemplary follower in a world transfixed by leaders.

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    31 mins
  • Loyalty - The Work Wire
    May 3 2024

    In the latest episode of Work Wire, Bob Goodwin of Career Club and Johnny Taylor Jr. from SHRM go deep into the evolving landscape of workplace loyalty, sparked by a recent Business Insider article by Aki Ito on its perceived decline. The discussion explores the historical shift from a "company man" mentality to today's more transactional employee-employer relationships influenced by globalization and technological advancements. Johnny emphasizes the dual role of employers and employees in the erosion of trust.

    The conversation also addresses the impacts of technology on the labor market, noting that it not only broadens opportunities for employees but also for employers to seek cheaper labor globally.

    Bob and Johnny discuss the changing nature of employment contracts, influenced by shifts towards knowledge-based work and the fading relevance of traditional job security measures like pensions.

    Highlighting the complexity of modern employment dynamics, they argue that loyalty must be mutual and conditional, challenging the traditional notion of unwavering company loyalty. This episode promises deep insights into the strategic and human elements shaping today's workplaces, urging HR professionals and employees to reconsider the meaning of loyalty in a rapidly changing work environment.

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    39 mins
  • Civil Conversations - The Work Wire
    Apr 26 2024

    Join us for a thought-provoking episode of The Work Wire, featuring Bob Goodwin, President of Career Club, and Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., President and CEO of SHRM. Dive into a compelling conversation about fostering civility in the workplace amidst increasing social and political tensions. Bob and Johnny explore the challenges of workplace toxicity, highlighting the shift from traditional issues like discrimination to modern concerns such as political discord.

    Discover SHRM’s ambitious initiative to promote one million civil conversations, aiming to transform workplace culture and, by extension, broader societal interactions. Learn about practical strategies to encourage respectful discourse and understand the powerful role HR professionals can play in shaping a more civil, understanding workplace environment. Tune in to gain valuable insights into turning conflict into constructive dialogue and why promoting diversity goes beyond surface-level differences.

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    34 mins
  • Google Sit-ins - The Work Wire
    Apr 23 2024

    Join Bob Goodwin, President of Career Club, and Johnny Taylor, CEO of SHRM, in a compelling podcast where they explore strategies for fostering civil and respectful communication in the workplace. They'll dive into effective methods that both employers and employees can use to ensure that all voices are heard and respected. Tune in for expert insights on enhancing dialogue and building a more collaborative work environment.

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    34 mins
  • Candidate Experience - The Work Wire
    Apr 19 2024

    Join us for a compelling episode of Work Wire as we explore the nuances of the recruitment process with a focus on enhancing the candidate experience. This discussion covers the challenges and strategies involved in treating candidates as valued customers and the impacts these practices have on employer branding.

    The conversation begins with an examination of prevalent issues in recruitment, such as ghosting and the often lengthy and inefficient interview cycles. Insights are shared on regional variations in candidate experiences, highlighted by data from the Talent Board, which notes a significant rise in candidate resentment scores in North America.

    Further discussion delves into the realities of rejection within recruitment, the complexities of providing feedback, and the importance of managing legal and ethical considerations. The benefits of extensive interview processes are also debated, emphasizing their role in ensuring a thorough mutual assessment essential for determining cultural fit and job satisfaction.

    Throughout the episode, emphasis is placed on the necessity of empathy, respect, and strategic communication in transforming recruitment practices. Practical advice is offered on how companies can maintain positive relations with all candidates, thereby enhancing their reputation and strengthening their employer brand.

    Tune in to this insightful episode to understand how to make recruitment a more empathetic and effective process that respects candidates and enriches your company's brand. This conversation is a must-listen for HR professionals and job seekers alike, providing valuable insights to navigate the complexities of modern recruitment.

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    39 mins