
  • The Howl - Your Past Month's Horror News - June, 2024
    Jun 14 2024

    Hey everyone, back with another monthly episode of The Howl, a new concept where me and my cohost Adam Cruz summarize and discuss the past month's horror news, share what we've watched recently, and just generally nerd out over all things horror.

    Our goal with The Howl is to catch listeners up with all of the horror news they may have missed from the past month in a fun, conversational format. If you want a quick-read version of The Howl sent directly to your inbox every month, then sign up for my monthly newsletter at nicktaylor.com/thehowl.

    So to recap, The Howl is all about catching you up on what's happening in horror, delivering some solid movie recommendations, and hopefully entertaining you at the same time. These episodes also have a video component, so feel free to check us out at The Nick Taylor Horror Show YouTube channel as well.

    So without further ado, here is me, Nick Taylor in conversation with Adam Cruz on a new monthly segment we're calling The Howl.

    SHOW NOTESMovies Mentioned:
    • The Omen
    • Godzilla Minus One
    • The Blair Witch Project
    • The Strangers: Chapter One
    • Tarot
    • Lisa Frankenstein
    • Watchers
    • Night of the Demons
    • Fright Night
    • Dexter (series)
    • Malignant
    • Speak No Evil
    • Revenge
    • Terrifier 3

    TV Shows Mentioned:
    • Ratched
    • What We Do in the Shadows

    Books Mentioned:
    • Dexter series by Jeff Lindsay

    Other Media:
    • Shadow of the Colossus (video game)

    Follow Adam Cruz at:

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/murdermemes_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@murdermemes_

    Store: www.murdermemes.shop

    Follow Nick Taylor at:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicktaylorhorrorshow/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nicktaylorhorrorshow

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Nicktaylorhorrorshow

    Website: www.nicktaylor.com

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    1 hr and 21 mins
  • SMILE, RELIC & NIGHT SWIM DP, Charlie Sarroff
    Jun 6 2024

    Welcome to the Nick Taylor Horror Show!

    As always, each episode of The Nick Taylor Horror Show explores how today's horror filmmakers are getting their movies made while deconstructing their methods and career strategies into practical insights that you can use on your own horror filmmaking journey. This includes their creative processes, funding resources, favorite books & tools, key life lessons, and much, much more.

    Today’s guest is Charlie Saroff, a cinematographer who has quickly established himself as a powerhouse in the horror genre.

    Charlie's breakout work on Natalie Erika James' Relic garnered widespread acclaim for its haunting atmosphere and masterful visual storytelling. This success led to his collaboration with Parker Finn on Smile and his upcoming work on the Smile sequel.

    In today’s episode, Charlie and I dive deep into the craft of horror cinematography, and strategies for creating tension and fear through visuals. We also get into his keys for successful collaborations between directors and DPs and Charlie shares valuable advice for filmmakers looking to enhance their overall visual storytelling skills.

    Here are some key takeaways from this conversation with Charlie Saroff:

    Utilize Misdirection. Scares often rely on the element of surprise. When crafting shots that elicit fear or tension, use decoys and misdirection to direct the audience’s attention in one direction so you can surprise them from another. This is largely achieved through composition and lighting. This relies on the principle that what the audience doesn't see is as important as what they do see. By manipulating their expectations, you can create a more impactful scare. For example, using dark corners or areas of the frame to hint at something lurking just out of sight can build suspense and heighten the eventual reveal. This, of course partially relies on editing but starts with what’s on screen.

    Plan but Be Flexible. Charlie says that no matter how much you plan at best 90% of it will go right while the other 10% will be complete chaos. It’s important to put yourself in a position to leverage that chaos. Thorough prep with shot lists and storyboards is crucial, however, it’s equally important to remain open to spontaneous opportunities that arise on set. David Lynch advocates for being fully present on set to recognize and maximize visual opportunities that present themselves serendipitously. While planning ensures you have a roadmap and backup plan, being flexible allows you to adapt to the changing dynamics of a scene, which can often lead to unexpectedly brilliant shots.

    Test your gear, test your look. Testing is crucial to understand how different lenses and cameras perform under various conditions and to ensure consistency in your film's visual style. Charlie conducts thorough camera and lens tests to determine the best equipment and experiment with different desired looks and uses the results to determine which gear to use before he makes his final selection. He will even go so far as to test out how different paint colors read with different lenses and cameras. This thorough testing process ensures the film's visual consistency and quality.

    Follow Charlie Sarroff at:
    • IMDb Profile
    • Instagram
    • Website
    • X (Twitter)
    • Vimeo

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    41 mins
  • THE LAST STOP IN YUMA COUNTY Director, Francis Galluppi
    May 31 2024

    Welcome to the Nick Taylor Horror Show!

    As always, each episode of The Nick Taylor Horror Show explores how today's horror filmmakers are getting their movies made while deconstructing their methods and career strategies into practical insights that you can use on your own horror filmmaking journey. This includes their creative processes, funding resources, favorite books & tools, key life lessons, and much much more.

    Francis Galluppi is the director of The Last Stop In Yuma County, a southern-fried, hard-boiled crime thriller that plays within the traditions of Tarantino, The Cohen Brothers, Taylor Sheridan, and Elmore Leonard while still establishing a feel and style all its own. I loved this movie - it’s a fun, lean and mean piece of cinema bolstered by an incredible ensemble cast including Richard Brake, Jim Cummings, Jocelin Donahue, Barbara Crampton and many more.

    The Last Stop in Yuma County is Francis’ feature debut and the film caught the eye of Sam Raimi and ultimately led to Francis being handed the reins of an upcoming installment in the Evil Dead franchise which is really awesome news.

    Prior to Last Stop in Yuma County, Francis’ short film High Desert Hell, won several awards, including the Wes Craven Award at the Catalina Film Festival in 2019 while his followup, The Gemini Project, won Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Short Film' at the Burbank International Film Festival in 2020.

    In this conversation, Francis and I get into the grueling story behind the making of Last Stop in Yuma County, which was a four plus year labor of love involving blood, sweat, tears, and mortgaged houses. This is an excellent account of true indie filmmaking, the importance of preparation, working with an all-star cast, and never giving up. I owe a big thank you to my friend David Guglielmo for putting me in touch with Francis, thank you David. Now, please enjoy my conversation with Francis Galluppi.

    Prepare Extensively: Preparation was crucial to Francis' process, and his level of prep was extensive and very impressive. Every shot was meticulously storyboarded and diagrammed with detailed blocking directions made months before production began. Ultimately, this prep enabled him to achieve complex and high-production value work on a relatively low budget. Francis also engaged in extensive conversations with the actors, fully fleshing out the script and characters and every line of dialogue over zoom. By the time everyone arrived on set, the team was well-prepared to hit their marks which is critical on a lower budget. Francis’ process demonstrates that there’s no such thing as over-preparing. All of this ensured a fairly smooth production and Francis’ ability to pivot when things went wrong.

    Set a Deadline and Make It Happen: Francis stresses the importance of setting a hard deadline and committing to it. Waiting for perfect conditions or resources can delay or prevent the realization of a project. He emphasizes the importance of prepping before you’re greenlit, which may seem counterintuitive to filmmakers hesitant to invest time in a project that may not happen. However, extensive preparation increases the likelihood of your film coming to fruition. This preparation not only creates a sense of reality and momentum for your project but also impresses producers and investors, making your project appear more tangible and ready to go and ultimately easier to greenlight.

    Edit Your Own Work. Francis quickly mentioned that early on directors should edit their own work because doing so is a valuable learning experience. It forces you to confront your mistakes and understand what works and what doesn’t about your shooting style and directorial capability. Being able to be objective at this level will ultimately make you a better...

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    37 mins
  • The Howl - Your Past Month's Horror News - May, 2024
    May 9 2024

    Hey everyone, welcome back to The Howl, our monthly segment where my cohost Adam Cruz and I break down the latest horror news, share what we've been watching, and just generally geek out over everything horror.

    The Howl is all about giving you a comprehensive yet entertaining look at what's happening in the world of horror, providing top-notch movie recommendations, and delivering a dash of humor along the way. If you want more of The Howl in your life, be sure to sign up for my newsletter at nicktaylor.com/thehowl, where you'll get a quick-read version sent right to your inbox every month.

    As always, we'd love to hear from you on what you enjoy, what you'd like to see more of, or any other feedback you have to help us refine this segment. Plus, if you prefer a visual experience, check out The Nick Taylor Horror Show YouTube channel for the video version of these episodes.

    So without further ado, here is me, Nick Taylor in conversation with Adam Cruz on this month's episode of The Howl.


    Follow Adam Cruz at:

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/murdermemes_/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@murdermemes_

    Store: www.murdermemes.shop

    Follow Nick Taylor at:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicktaylorhorrorshow/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nicktaylorhorrorshow

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Nicktaylorhorrorshow

    Website: www.nicktaylor.com

    Movies Mentioned:

    • Hereditary
    • Martyrs
    • Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
    • Last House on the Left
    • Poor Things
    • Late Night with the Devil
    • Ready or Not
    • Monkeyman
    • Universal Monster Movies
    • Renfield
    • The Last Voyage of the Demeter
    • Dracula (Nosferatu)
    • In the Mouth of Madness
    • Guillermo del Toro
    • Killing of a Sacred Deer
    • Omen Prequel (Immaculate)
    • Satanic Hispanics
    • Baghead
    • Servant (Apple TV Show)

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • IMMACULATE Writer, Andrew Lobel
    May 3 2024

    Andrew Lobel is the screenwriter behind one of this year's breakout horror hits, Immaculate. His journey to bring Immaculate from script to screen is a serious story of endurance and passion—it took 10 years from Andrew’s first draft for it to emerge into theatres. In this episode, Andrew dives into his origin story, writing process, and the saga of transforming Immaculate from a script into a fully realized film. Please give it up for Andrew Lobel.

    Here are some takeaways from this conversation with Andrew Lobel:

    Be patient and play the long game. Immaculate took 10 years from script to screen and emerged as one of the standout horror successes of the year. Andrew kept the project alive by constantly entertaining offers and conversations about the work, never fully giving up even in the face of repeated setbacks. Throughout this decade-long process, Andrew encountered numerous challenges, including a changing cast and fluctuating interest from producers. However, he never lost sight of his vision for the film. When Sydney Sweeney, who had auditioned for the movie early in her career, reached new levels of fame, her renewed interest and subsequent attachment to the project provided the momentum needed to finally bring Immaculate to life. This persistence underscores the importance of resilience and long-term commitment in the unpredictable world of filmmaking.

    Be an adaptable collaborator. Andrew's commitment to adaptability played a crucial role in this ultimate success. Again and again, he reshaped his script to align with the vision of attached collaborators, demonstrating an unwavering dedication to the project and his team. It's easy for writers and creatives to fall into the trap of clinging too tightly to their original work, resisting feedback or necessary changes. This can be a major misstep. Filmmaking thrives on collaboration, and films also change shape a lot before they’re finished so being adaptable is the name of the game.

    Always make a favorable impression. Andrew’s initial interactions with Sydney Sweeney during the initial casting of Immaculate left a significant and positive impression on her early in her career. Even after the project was initially shelved, the favorable experience and professional respect she held for Andrew and the project persisted. This enduring connection enabled the revival of the film years later when Sydney's career had reached new heights. Andrew’s ability to create a memorable and positive experience during their initial collaboration highlights the importance of professionalism and rapport in filmmaking, which can lead to fruitful opportunities long after the first meeting.



    • Immaculate
    • Euphoria
    • White Lotus
    • Anyone But You
    • Everything Sucks
    • Voyeurs

    TV Shows:

    • Handmaid's Tale


    • Save the Cat by Blake Snyder

    Thanks for listening, don't forget to subscribe today!

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    44 mins
  • The Howl - Your Past Month's Horror News - April, 2024
    Apr 15 2024

    Hey everyone, back with another monthly episode of The Howl, a new concept where me and my cohost Adam Cruz summarize and discuss the past month's horror news, share what we've watched recently, and just generally nerd out over all things horror.

    Our goal with The Howl is to catch listeners up with all of the horror news they may have missed from the past month in a fun, conversational format. If you want a quick-read version of The Howl sent directly to your inbox every month, then sign up for my monthly newsletter at nicktaylor.com/thehowl.

    So to recap, The Howl is all about catching you up on what's happening in horror, delivering some solid movie recommendations, and hopefully entertaining you at the same time. These episodes also have a video component, so feel free to check us out at The Nick Taylor Horror Show YouTube channel as well.

    So without further ado, here is me, Nick Taylor in conversation with Adam Cruz on a new monthly segment we're calling The Howl.


    Follow Adam Cruz at:

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/murdermemes_/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@murdermemes_

    Store: www.murdermemes.shop

    Follow Nick Taylor at:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nicktaylorhorrorshow/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nicktaylorhorrorshow

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Nicktaylorhorrorshow

    Website: www.nicktaylor.com

    Movies Mentioned:

    • Invisible Man (Blumhouse)
    • Videodrome
    • Chopping Mall
    • The Fly
    • Scanners
    • The Brood
    • Infinity Pool
    • Possessor
    • Mute Witness
    • Wolf
    • One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest
    • Evil Dead (2013)
    • Night of the Living Dead (remake)
    • House
    • Halloween
    • Starship Troopers
    • Five Easy Pieces
    • Cool Hand Luke
    • The Burbs
    • Frighteners
    • Tourist Trap
    • The Island of Dr. Moreau (1996 version)
    • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
    • The Nightmare on Elm Street (remake)
    • Friday the 13th (remake)
    • The Hills Have Eyes (remake)
    • The Last House on the Left (remake)
    • Leatherface
    • The Wolfman
    • Little Shop of Horrors (original and remake)
    • American Beauty
    • Blowout
    • Dressed to Kill
    • Ghost
    • Child's Play
    • Scream series
    • Immaculate
    • St. Maud
    • St. Agatha
    • Late Night with the Devil
    • Love Lies Bleeding
    • Monkey Man
    • Dream Scenario

    Thanks for listening! Don’t forget to subscribe. To get a monthly newsletter of all of your horror news streamlined into a quick-read email visit www.nicktaylor.com/thehowl

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    1 hr and 59 mins
  • DESTROY ALL NEIGHBORS Director, Josh Forbes
    Apr 5 2024

    Today, we welcome Josh Forbes to the podcast, director of Destroy All Neighbors. This is a gleefully fun movie that feels as inventive as it is unhinged. It’s the kind of movie that I’m feeling really good about seeing more of because it’s completely original.

    This is Josh’s second feature after his debut Contracted Phase 2 and I think he’s really made a serious statement; the energy, attitude, fun and bonkers practical effects make this a very fun movie. The movie starred Jonah Ray with a very hilarious performance by Alex Winter and special effects by Bill Corso and Gabe Bartalos of Basket Case Fame.

    In this interview Josh gets into the making of Destroy All Neighbors from the conception of the idea, to his attachment as director, raising funds and more as well as the current state of cinema that enabled something this original to get made. Don’t forget to check out Destroy all Neighbors, now streaming on Shudder, and in the meantime, please enjoy this conversation with Director, Josh Forbes.

    Take inventory of awesome things you have access to.

    This is a common one, take inventory of everything you have access to and fashion your movie out of that. Production value is so critical, and often so expensive. Maximize your movie by taking an inventory of what you have access to and writing your script around it. If you have a friend with a boat, that boat should be in your movie. A friend who owns a pig, in the case of Josh, a pig should be in the movie. This is exactly what Robert Rodriguez did with El Mariachi and Kevin Smith with Clerks.

    Use practical effects.

    Practical effects, never went away, but still somehow feel like they’re having a second heyday which is awesome. The thing about practical effects is that the community is very very passionate and despite having a low budget, Josh was able to get some very heavy hitters like Bill Corso and Gabe Bartolos on board simply because the project looked fun. Similarly when he did Mortuary Collection, Ryan Spindell was able to get Tom Woodruff Jr. and Alec Gillis from ADI on board despite a relatively low budget because these guys wanted to be involved for the fun of it. The level of passion present in the practical effects community is something very awesome to tap into and it adds a level of production value to your movie that goes a long way in the horror community. Always pay as much as you can though.

    Push for your original singular vision.

    Destroy all Neighbors could not have been made by anybody else because it’s so specific and singular to Josh, his sensibility, and the things he likes. Directors are supposed to direct movies that only they would be able to do. As a director, you need to understand own and articulate your own sensibility - yes, be open to feedback and collaboration, but your movies should feel specifically uniquely yours. These are the types of projects that inspire others and are worth getting excited about.


    Movies and TV Shows

    • Onyx the Fortuitous
    • Fried Barry
    • Idle Hands
    • What We Do in the Shadows (both movie and TV show)
    • Sin City (referenced for character design)
    • Buffalo 66" (referenced for trailer music)


    • King Crimson ("In the Court of the Crimson King")
    • Gentle Giant ("Octopus" album)
    • Straubs (band)
    • Yes (band)

    Follow Josh Forbes at:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bestjoshforbes/

    IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1141362/?ref_=tt_ov_dr

    Thanks as always...

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    22 mins
  • Dave Clark on Blending AI with Live Action in Horror
    Mar 29 2024

    Dave Clark is a filmmaker and creative force who's directed commercials for major brands along with multiple narrative films, including his 2019 feature, 'After She Wakes.'

    Dave recently released a must-watch short film called ‘Another’ which is not only terrifying and beautifully made, but a great example of blending AI with live action filmmaking.

    This film exemplifies Dave's significant contribution to the AI filmmaking landscape, showcasing how AI should not replace humans or any facets of the filmmaking process. Instead, it can serve as an incredible creative tool, adding unique and exciting dimensions to the work. Dave has been a pioneer in the AI filmmaking conversation, demonstrating what accessible AI tools like Midjourney, Magnific, and Runway are capable of when combined with a skilled and discerning eye for cinema. His understanding of cinema and filmmaking has seriously enabled him to get really incredible results.

    Obviously, in the context of filmmaking, AI is a hotly debated topic of controversy, but regardless of whatever side of the fence you’re on, I’d encourage you to listen to this episode. Dave is a very legit, honest to goodness filmmaker first who loves the entire process from being on set, to working with actors, to picking lenses, all of it, and he champions a future where AI is just another tool in the toolbelt and not a replacement for anyone. Dave was also recently brought in by SAG to deliver a presentation on AI and filmmaking to over 1,000 Screen Actors Guild Members.

    In this episode Dave get into the practical applications of AI in previsualization and post-production, and its ability to bring high-quality VFX within the reach of indie filmmakers. He stresses the importance of balancing AI tools with traditional filmmaking techniques, ensuring the human touch remains central in storytelling and cinematic aesthetics.

    Dave also shares his process for creating ‘Another’ his short film that integrates AI with live action and together we explore how AI can act as a creative partner, offering fresh insights and accelerating the writing and development phase without overriding the unique voice of the writer.

    Overall Dave provides valuable insights into how filmmakers can navigate this new landscape, using AI as a tool to enhance, not replace, their creative processes.

    Here are some key takeaways from this conversation with Dave Clark:

    • Use AI for previs and pitching. AI tools can greatly assist in previsualizing film shots, helping directors pitch their movies and helping DPs plan out scenes efficiently by trying out an infinite number of different shots, concepts, lighting, camera, and lens combinations. This is one of many use cases where AI does not replace the work humans do, but enhances it.
    • Be subtle about using AI. In Another, Dave's short that integrated AI with live action, the AI element is apparent, but very subtle. He was super selective in what he used AI for and for everything else, he stuck to traditional filmmaking with real actors, a DP, crew, etc. It's tempting to push the boundaries of AI but that can look silly. I recommend checking out Another to see how nuanced and therefore effective Dave's approach was.
    • Don't be a hater. There is a ton of hate around AI and it's use in filmmaking which is entirely understandible. I'm not going to go into the ethical discussions around whether or not it's theft because regardless of it being a valid argument, it's a rabbit hole and the truth is AI is coming and it's coming fast. The best approach is to seek to understand these tools because they're going to be part of the process just like CGI. Yes, of course, always advocate for using the tools ethically, but to ignore them, protest them, or shame others for using them isn't helping anybody.

    AI Projects:

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    50 mins