
  • Mastering Motivation and Productivity: Strategies for Remote Workers and Solopreneurs
    Jun 14 2024

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    Ready to revolutionize your remote work routine? Join me in my home studio in Eastern Spain as we tackle the critical challenges of motivation and productivity that freelancers and solopreneurs face. Discover how transitioning from a structured office environment to remote work can be both freeing and chaotic.

    This episode talks about the importance of creating self-imposed structures and why shifting from hourly-based to value-based pricing can transform your approach to knowledge work. Inspired by Cal Newport's "Slow Productivity," I share strategies to avoid pseudo-productivity and focus on clear, outcome-oriented targets.

    Struggling to maintain intrinsic motivation while juggling multiple roles? Try practical techniques like the Pomodoro technique to combat procrastination and how to align your tasks with personal values to keep them engaging. We discuss making tasks more rewarding by connecting them to what truly motivates you, ensuring that you stay productive in your remote work journey. Embrace David Allen's "Getting Things Done" methodology to prioritize tasks effectively and reduce stress, aligning your daily activities with your big-picture goals.

    Facing the hurdles of procrastination, fear of failure, and decision fatigue? From visualizing positive outcomes to adopting a growth mindset, I unpack actionable strategies for breaking down daunting tasks into manageable steps. Hear about the importance of self-imposed deadlines and consistent routines, illustrated with real-life examples like Steve Jobs' wardrobe routine. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the tools to prioritize effectively, manage decision fatigue, and make steady progress toward your long-term goals. Plus, get insights into leveraging resources like the Remote Work Europe Connected group and the LinkedIn Power Hour to enhance your remote work journey.

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    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    37 mins
  • Unmasking MLMs: Predatory Practices and Financial Pitfalls, vs. Real Remote Work - with Dani Leigh
    May 31 2024

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    Ever been curious about the hidden costs of joining an MLM? Discover the raw truths about multi-level marketing schemes with our special guest, Dani Leigh, a seasoned digital nomad and the insightful voice behind Travelling Jezebel and Not Your Boss Babe (which she built and developed and recently sold - aka a real digital business!)

    Dani takes us on her personal journey from globetrotting volunteer to uncovering the predatory practices of network marketers that target individuals seeking remote work opportunities. This episode peels back the layers to reveal how these schemes have surged, especially during the pandemic, trapping many in financial and emotional turmoil.

    Our conversation exposes the realities behind the glossy façade of MLMs, focusing on their recruitment-heavy models and overpriced products. Dani and I dive into manipulative marketing strategies, like the guilt-inducing "women supporting women" narrative, and the deceptive income disclosures that lure people into these traps. Hear real-life stories of how MLMs infiltrate communities, from expats to military families, and exploit vulnerabilities with empty promises of financial freedom and flexible work. Together, we highlight why these schemes are nothing more than modern-day scams and offer advice on how to recognize and avoid them.

    We wrap up with a deep dive into the nuances of running a successful online business. Dani shares her own experiences in diversifying income streams through affiliate marketing, website ads, and new ventures like Instagram and organizing group trips. This episode is packed with practical tips and valuable resources to help you navigate the ever-changing digital landscape while steering clear of unreliable business models like MLMs. Whether you're a seasoned digital nomad or just starting your remote work journey, this episode offers essential insights to protect and empower you.

    Connect with Dani on here - https://www.instagram.com/travellingjezebel/ (I
    and check out her delicious blog https://travellingjezebel.com/, to see what a REAL remote business looks like 😎

    (she has an amazing tour to Pakistan coming up soon too https://travellingjezebel.com/pakistan-tour-2024/)

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    And you can find all our latest training and resources in our online store.

    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    41 mins
  • Empowering Refugees with Skills for Remote Work Success: The Na'amal Story with Lorraine Charles
    May 17 2024

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    Discover how Na'amal's Lorraine Charles is transforming lives by equipping refugees with remote work skills that pave the way for sustainable careers.

    Today we discover the potential of remote work in empowering displaced individuals in Africa and the Middle East to support their families, even in the absence of traditional employment opportunities. Lorraine describes the incredible journey of these learners as they transition from students to skilled professionals, now contributing to the global workforce via the Na'amal's agency, and how they are managing to give back to their communities.

    But beyond social enterprise, the business case is clear when clients keep coming back for more, proving the high quality and dedication of the refugee talent. The practical aspects of hiring and payment processes are also simplified, as we learn about accessible international transaction services and the game-changing nature of mobile money in Africa. Our discussion opens up new perspectives on the power of mentorship, showcasing how connections formed through Na'amal can lead to growth, direct employment, and the strengthening of a supportive global community.

    Finally, we touch on how YOU can help, and incredible value of mentorship.

    This episode is not just a conversation, it's an invitation to be a part of something bigger—a global movement towards a more connected and empathetic world.

    Join us and be inspired by the stories of success, resilience, and the collective power of mentorship in making a difference.

    Follow Lorraine here:

    And find out all the ways you can support and get involved with Na'amal at

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    And you can find all our latest training and resources in our online store.

    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    36 mins
  • Innovation, Influence, And Reflections On A Remote Life Anniversary
    May 3 2024

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    A life-altering transformation often starts with a single moment whose significance is not obvious. Mine was the day, a quarter of a century past, that I left my 'normal' office job for the final time .

    Since then it's been a convoluted journey that eventually lead to the creation of Remote Work Europe, though it took me a while to figure out that ultimate destination! But here we are, and what started as a modest Facebook group for Spain people is growing into a flourishing network, which has been recognised on the prestigious Remote.com influencer list for 2024.

    The collective efforts and dedication of key members and collaborators have been instrumental in creating our platform, and when I look at the other people we are featured alongside, it makes me even more happy and proud. You'll find plenty of podcast guests past and present, as well as an array of people doing diverse and fascinating work to raise the remote work agenda, and professionalise and differentiate the space.

    In this episode I reflect on my own journey, and the dearth of remote influencers, or bandwidth, available back when I started in 2000.

    I open up about my own odyssey of tech, regulation, social acceptance, and family priorities, which eventually led us to the shores of Mediterranean Spain. And I hope it will contextualise why it means so much to me, to be able to help others create the same transformation in their lives, through the work we're doing with Remote Work Europe.

    This episode is not just a narrative of personal transformation and global mobility; it's an invitation to join a community that empowers and educates anyone seeking to integrate flexibility, independence, and adventure into their professional lives.

    Join us as we explore the boundless potential of a European remote work lifestyle, at Remote Work Europe!

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    And you can find all our latest training and resources in our online store.

    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    32 mins
  • Destination Bulgaria: Entrepreneurs & Digital Nomads Head To Bankso, With Uwe Allgäuer
    Apr 19 2024

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    Today we travel to the Eastern edge of the Remote Work Europe territory, to the heart of Bulgaria's digital nomad revolution. I chat with Uwe Allgäuer , the mastermind behind the Bansko Digital Nomad Festival, and business formation service My Start Bulgaria. We discuss the transformation of a quaint ski town into a bustling hub for entrepreneurs and adventurers. Uwe's personal voyage from the high seas to pioneering a co-working community in Bansko, and an annual festival which gets bigger and better year on year.

    We also touch on Bulgaria's enticing fiscal regime, discussing the nitty-gritty of setting up shop in this welcoming country. Whether you're an EU citizen or from further afield this episode is a treasure trove of insights on how to seamlessly integrate into the digital nomad lifestyle.

    The core of our conversation steers toward the practicalities and perks of making Bansko your business base, or home away from home. Uwe generously shares his wisdom on overcoming bureaucratic hurdles to access Bulgaria's favourable tax rates. We emphasize the significance of planting roots with a paper trail and tax residency somewhere, for those unforeseen twists in life, while also celebrating Bansko's emergence as a year-round sanctuary for the digitally inclined. The town's unique melding of serene nature and a vibrant community creates an environment where both personal and professional connections flourish.

    To wrap up we anticipate the 2024 Bansko Nomad Festival – an event where the entrepreneurial borderless spirit is showcased against the town's stunning natural canvas. Hear about the serendipitous collaborations and spontaneous businesses that spring forth from this gathering of minds.

    If the promise of rich face-to-face networking and a diverse array of experiences (including a keynote from Maya on remote collaboration) appeals to you, then get over to https://www.banskonomadfest.com/ and use the discount code MayaRWE_bnf24 at the checkout for a 10% discount!

    And do connect with Uwe at https://www.linkedin.com/in/uweallg/ to keep up with all his exciting projects and announcements.

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    And you can find all our latest training and resources in our online store.

    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    37 mins
  • Why Do So Many People Fall For Remote Work Scams?
    Apr 5 2024

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    Guard your career against the hidden traps of the remote work world—our latest episode is your guide to identifying and sidestepping scams that can sadly trip up even the savviest of jobseekers.

    With the wisdom of the late behavioural economist Daniel Kahneman lighting our path, we explore the psychology that make us extra susceptible to deception in the digital space By equipping yourself with the knowledge from this discussion, you can sail the waters of remote employment with confidence, keeping your professional voyage scam-free.

    Imagine meeting a colleague in person after years of online collaboration, only to realize they are entirely different from the digital persona you've been interacting with. This episode peels back the layers of online identity, exploring how easily our brains fill in gaps and create rich narratives around profiles we encounter on the web. Scammers leverage this psychological loophole, crafting facades that lure even the most discerning among us into their traps. We share candid personal encounters to illustrate the need for a healthy skepticism and a sharper eye when engaging with remote work opportunities.

    Wrapping up, we underscore the vital role of community in fortifying the world of remote work against fraud. We're not just talking about spotting red flags—we're about empowering each other through shared insights and resources. As we champion Remote Work Europe's commitment to support and enable a secure remote working environment, we urge you to join us in this movement. Listen, learn, and lend a hand to others by circulating this important conversation. Together, we can build a stronger, scam-resistant remote work community.

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    And you can find all our latest training and resources in our online store.

    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    35 mins
  • Nomadic Narrative: The Remote Creative Lifestyle with Han Talbot
    Mar 22 2024

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    Have you ever dreamt of being paid to travel, to create, to explore, and to share? It's a dream which can become a reality, if you have the talent and the drive. Discover how Han Talbot turned her passion for travel and content creation into a thriving location-independent lifestyle business, as she joins us from the enchanting city of Vlora, Albania.

    In this vibrant episode, Han shares her story, detailing the transition from a study abroad blogger to a leading voice among remote 'influencers' (even while we both cringe at that term!) We uncover the essentials of a productive morning routine wherever life takes you, the strategies behind updating an evolving portfolio, and the excitement of her latest venture, Remote Creatives.

    Digital communications is constantly shifting, and with it, the lines between journalism and content creation are increasingly blurred. We delve into this hybrid space with Han, addressing the changing face of influence and the growth of thought leadership in the realm of social media. The conversation turns to the ethical tightrope walked by influencers and journalists alike, emphasizing the need for transparency and personal accountability. For those navigating the shifting sands of content sponsorship and credibility, our discussion digs deep into how to maintain integrity while embracing the business side of creativity.

    Finally, we celebrate all the leaps forward in the remote work and digital nomad community, while exploring the resources that make this lifestyle more accessible and fulfilling than ever. Han and I discuss the promise of Remote Work Europe and the support systems in place for remote workers, entrepreneurs, and freelancers.

    Whether you're just dipping your toes into remote work or you're a seasoned traveller seeking new horizons, our episode teases the future of this dynamic movement. Join us as we toast to the adventures and opportunities that await in the ever-expanding universe of remote work.

    Learn more and connect with Han to follow her adventures:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hanmeetsworld/
    Website: https://www.hanmeetsworld.com/

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    And you can find all our latest training and resources in our online store.

    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    34 mins
  • Remote Control: Self-Awareness, Time Management, and Nurturing Virtual Relationships, with Pilar Orti
    Mar 8 2024

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    Imagine having the blueprint to excel in the remote work landscape, one that balances discipline with flexibility. That's exactly what Pilar Orti, a trailblazer in the world of virtual work and my trusted mentor, brings to the table in this episode. We take a trip down memory lane, revisiting our collaborative beginnings and exploring Pilar's trajectory from a freelance maverick to the founder of Virtual Not Distant. Her latest book, "The Remote Worker's Guide to Time Management," serves as a cornerstone for our discussion, offering listeners strategies to conquer the unique challenges of remote work, from crafting a personal structure to balancing collaborative and solitary tasks.

    The secret to remote productivity might be hiding in plain sight within your own self-awareness. Through a candid exchange, Pilar and I dissect the often-overlooked link between self-knowledge and time management. We discuss the myth of multitasking and share personal anecdotes about our battles with procrastination. Our conversation also tackles the concept of location-agnostic productivity — mastering work habits across diverse settings to boost effectiveness, whether you're at home, in a cafe, or bouncing between co-working spaces.

    The final piece of the remote work puzzle? Relationships. The episode further examines the nuanced relationship between connection and time management, along with -thought-provoking insights on the integrator-separator spectrum, a pre-pandemic study on collaboration stress, and the art of balancing work passion with personal time.

    We even dive into the world of AI and its role in our creative processes, including Pilar's editorial associate "Sam" - reflecting on how technology shapes our collaborative writing endeavours. We also discuss the significance of asynchronous communication in an ever-more digital world - do check out Pilar's unique and fascinating audio-only course, to learn more about that!

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    And you can find all our latest training and resources in our online store.

    Finally, make sure you're subscribed to receive our free newsletter, packed with information, updates, and REAL remote job opportunities every week 😎
    Here's to your own remote future 🤩

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    42 mins