• Surf Smarter: Your Guide to Reading the Break in Ten Minutes
    May 18 2024

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    Here's why experienced surfers are catching more waves than you...

    While you think that crusty old guy is just taking his sweet time to sip his coffee, he's actually reading the break so he can create a game plan for his surf session.

    Spending 10 reading the break before you paddle out will allow you to observe the ocean and the lineup and plan for a productive surf session... aka More Waves, More Fun!

    But what do you look for in those 10?

    Tune into this episode to hear about our new exclusive lesson inside The Surf Société: How to Read the Break and Your 8-Point Checklist for Having the Most Productive Surf Session.


    • Access the entire Read the Break Lesson for only $17!
    • Become a member of The Surf Société at surfsocite.com/plans
    • Follow us your host Laura Day: @confessionsofasurflady
    • Follow The Surf Société: @surfsociete for surf lady tips from #thesurflab inside the membership

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    21 mins
  • The Women's Surfing Revolution: Meet Rising Star Reid Van Wagoner
    May 8 2024

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    At just 3 years old Reid Van Wagoner caught her first wave. She was hooked! Now 14, Reid is a surfing prodigy competing in both shortboard and longboard competitions, sometimes even in the same day! In this episode you'll meet the future of women's surfing. Reid shares her journey of growing up in a surfing family, how she balances life with being a young competitive athlete, and her excitement in being part the revolution of women's surfing.

    Main Themes:

    • Mindful Surfing in Competition: "Everything happens the way it's going to happen." — Reid Van Wagoner
    • Resilience in Sports: "Just kind of push yourself and get over those obstacles and not let them get you down too much. If you let them get you down, then you're not going to be able to improve or to push past those." — Reid Van Wagoner
    • Inspirational Figures in Surfing: "I look up to basically all of them. I met most of them and they're all so sweet. I have a couple local surfers like Katie Simmers and all of them like the youngest, like surfers on tour right now. I like surf with them and I always looked up to them when I was a little girl and then now they're on like the WSL tour and I'm like, wow, like I could do that one day." — Reid Van Wagoner

    • Follow us your host Laura Day: @confessionsofasurflady
    • Follow The Surf Société: @surfsociete for surf lady tips from #thesurflab inside the membership
    • Follow Reid on Instagram: @reid_v_dub
    • Become a Member at The Surf Société at www.surfsociete.com

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    23 mins
  • Returning Wave: Surfing, Filipino Culture, and Community
    Apr 24 2024

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    Meet Lynn and Sunkat, Filipina american surfers who grew up in both the states and the islands of the Philippines. In 2008 they began to bring donated surfboards and equipment back to remote island destinations, where surfing was usually only done by foreigners passing through.

    By donating recycled equipment to the local kids, and incentivizing them to pursue education, they've empowered locals to find ownership in the growing surf scene in the Philippines. Through their non-profit organization "Balik Bayod" meaning "Returning wave" they have been supporting filipinos with donated surfboards since 2008.

    In this episode we'll explore the complexities and beauty of surfing in the Philippines, including the influence of foreigners and the importance of preserving local communities. As co-founders of Balik Bayod Returning Wave, Sunkat and Lynn share their stories of connecting with their Filipino heritage and empowering the local surf scene.

    We'll discuss the challenges faced by the Filipino surfing community, like limited government support and the need to foster a thriving local surf economy. They underline the significance of supporting Filipino businesses globally and how doing so can reshape cultural perceptions, especially concerning the embodied experience of being dark-skinned within the outdoor community.

    You're invited to join the conversation, contribute to sustainable surf practices, and even participate in equipment donations. This episode not only encapsulates the spirit of surfing but also the power of unity and cultural connections within our global community.

    Main Themes:

    • Inclusion in Surf Culture: [30:04] "I always feel like, as a Filipino American, we've been battling with inclusion in the surf community, but that's actually our home. So to be excluded from a sport that's in your home is kind of crazy, but to be someone that's going to come and bring the resources so local people can be a part of not even just the surfing and surf culture and create their own surf culture." — Laura Day
    • Supporting Filipino Surfers Globally: [37:07] "I think, like, when you meet another filipino surfer, it's always exciting. And you know that we have traveled, you know, that we have intermingled with different cultures, but there's that happy bond that happens around surfing, I think, because it's all about getting stoked when you catch a wave and basically, yeah, that feeling of being part of a community like that and for sustainability." — Lynn
    • Surfing Culture in the Philippines [46:49] : "My experience and I think Lynn's, is that the kids we surf with are like, clapping when we catch a wave. You know, I'm not a very good surfer, but I never really experienced that anywhere else. I think that's a special thing about Philippines, is kind of this sharing culture." — Sunkat


    • Follow us your host Laura Day: @confessionsofasurflady
    • Follow The Surf Société: @surfsociete for surf lady tips from #thesurflab inside the membership
    • Follow Returning Wave on Instagram: @returningwave
    • Visit Returningwave.org

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    51 mins
  • Surfboard Selection: A Surf Lady's Guide to Navigating Shop and Shaper Conversations
    Apr 17 2024

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    Participate in The Surf Craft Series at The Surf Société. Join now and get your first month free. Create an Account here.

    Have you ever walked into a surf shop and felt out of place? Traditionally there has been a major barrier to entry for women in surfing. This not only shows in the lineup but trickles all the way down to our experiences in surf shops. Many women report not feeling acknowledged or taken seriously and I believe that has discouraged women from branching out and learning more about surfcraft and surf history.

    In this episode we're going to talk about how learning more about surfcraft can empower and enrich your personal surf journey and how our upcoming events at The Surf Société can give you the information and support you need to feel confident walking into any surf shop or meeting with any shaper to talk about your next surfboard.

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    18 mins
  • How to Cultivate Your Lineup Confidence
    Mar 6 2024

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    🌊 Host Laura Day shares insightful tips on cultivating confidence in the lineup. Learn about the pillars of mindset, knowledge, and sisterhood that can empower your surfing journey and practical tips that will leave you ready to charge in your next surf session.

    Main Themes:

    • The Importance of Mindset in Surfing: "Your headspace and your mentality going out in the lineup can define and really shape how you feel when you're out there."
    • Building Personal Confidence: "I've really realized that confidence is a constant practice. It's not just a problem that we can solve once and then walk away from and expect it to still be there. It's a constant practice."
    • Surfing Wisdom: "Knowing that you did your homework [you've learned about your local break] is going to give you confidence. It's like being in class when you've read the book. You can participate in the discussion, right?"


    • Follow us your host Laura Day: @confessionsofasurflady
    • Follow The Surf Société: @surfsociete for surf lady tips from #thesurflab inside the membership
    • Become a Member at The Surf Société with your first month FREE: Surfsociete.com/firstmonthfree

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    16 mins
  • In Deep with Matt George: Challenging Misogyny through Surf Journalism
    Nov 29 2023

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    Despite facing misogyny prevalent in the surf industry, Matt George, a renowned surf journalist and Senior Contributing Editor at SURFER for over 35 years, has been an advocate for women in surfing.

    In his new book, In Deep, you'll discover an anthology of Matt's most influential articles and photographs, including stories about courageous women in surfing. From a young Bethany Hamilton's shark attack as told from the perspective of the apex predator to a feature about Keala Kennelly that inadvertently outed her to her family.

    However, this episode goes beyond 'In Deep,' bridging the gap between new surf media and traditional surf media. We dive into the contrast between a WOC self-published podcast like 'Confessions of a Surf Lady' and the traditional, white-male dominated world of one of the most influential surf publications of all time, SURFER Magazine.

    Throughout the episode, we explore Matt's top tips for aspiring journalists and he shares his confessions on some of our most popular topics. But most importantly, Matt imparts empowering words of advice to all surf ladies on navigating a blossoming women's surf culture and industry.

    This episode is packed with practical writing advice, genuine surf stories, and thought-provoking conversations that you won't want to miss.

    Main Themes

    • About In-Deep: "It is a collection of stories that really reflect the zeitgeist. As the title In Deep implies, it gets very, very much behind the curtain of professional surfers, professional contests, professional people, and the great surf spots of the world." — Matt George [03:00 → 03:19]
    • Women in Surfing: "In my experience, Laura, I have found all the female surfers that I've written about are very courageous and very powerful. While all the men that I've written about, I've found them very vulnerable, almost weak compared to the women." — Matt George [08:46 → 09:03]
    • The Art of Journalism: "When I meet someone to do something as personal as a profile, as a featured article, I very much look for what they're not saying. Not exactly what they're saying, but what they're not saying."— Matt George [09:51 → 10:06]
    • Connected to the Cosmos: "As surfers, we are a very unique, fringe dwelling tribe and we are connected to something absolutely extraordinary, connected to the cosmos, different than other sports." — Matt George [11:45 → 11:57]
    • Diversity and Inclusion: "Having a conversation with you, someone that's worked intimately in a male dominated surf industry for decades, and hearing that there have been advocates for people like me. It's comforting, because for women, like me, still face misogynistic attitudes in the lineup." — Laura Day [14:44 → 15:09]


    • Follow us your host Laura Day: @confessionsofasurflady
    • Follow The Surf Société: @surfsociete for surf lady tips from #thesurflab inside the membership
    • Purchase In Deep by Matt George at DiAngelo Publications
    • Follow Matt on Instagram: @mattgeorge_in_deep
    • Watch Matt's Film:

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    49 mins
  • From Heartbreak to Healing: How Surfing Saved Me
    Oct 4 2023

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    How has surfing saved you? Meet Janina Casanova, a once rare-beach-goer from Southern California. From praying in Italian seaside chapels to finding solace in the waters of the Philippines, Janina embarked on a world-wide journey, in hopes of recovering from a broken marriage.

    Finding herself on a remote island in her homeland, Janina reconnects with her cultural roots in the Philippines and learns how to surf. Once a girl who never went in the water, she now surfs everyday, claiming that surfing has saved her.

    Tune in to hear Janina's journey from heartbreak to healing as well as your surf lady confessions to "How Has Surfing Saved You?"

    Main Themes:

    • Finding Myself: "I decided to go back to the Philippines, which I had never been before since birth, and just kind of like, rediscover myself, just get back to my roots."
    • The Healing Power of Surfing: "I think that surfing was a good distraction, focal point, regenerative experience to learn and just be out in the water, and you're paddling out and what feels like you're in the middle of the ocean, far away from everything and everyone that you know, and sometimes you're alone or whatever. You ride your motorbike, and you get to the spot, you're the first one there, and you just hear the roosters crowing, and you just paddle out, and you're, like, just centered. And it just really allows you to connect with yourself and connect with nature and try to learn."
    • Midlife Surfing: "I took up surfing in my mid 30s after a divorce, and I surf almost every day, but I'm still not, like, shredding you're like, oh, I'm just a cook. I just want to have fun."
    • Surfing and Life: "Surfing changed my whole perspective on life, and it switched my priorities."
    • Filipino Culture and People: "There's something really special about the Filipino people, the Filipino culture, we're so friendly."

    This podcast is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy. Learn more at Surfsociete.com


    • Follow us your host Laura Day: @confessionsofasurflady
    • Follow The Surf Société: @surfsociete for surf lady tips from #thesurflab inside the membership
    • Follow Janina: @janina.casanova
    • Follow Sunday Arvo Surf Club : @Sundayarvosurfclub
    • Shop brand goods and art SundayArvoSurfClub.com
    • Shop "Surfing Saves" Print at Sunday Arvo Surf Club

    More Resources for you:

    • Access the FREE Read the Break Lesson inside The Surf Société when you join our Shaka Social Open House: surfsociete.com/shaka

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    46 mins
  • Love and the Lineup: Would you date another surfer?
    Sep 17 2023

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    Picture this: you and your boo paddling out and catching waves into the sunset. Sounds dreamy, right? Now picture this: your partner dropping in and turning all your waves into a party waves.

    In this episode you'll meet guest Anna, world traveler, social media manager, and surf tour operator who lives in Ecuador. Anna spent years backpacking until her money ran out then heading back to Sweden to earn just enough to hit the road again. Since her 20's, Anna has visited 55 different countries.

    Her friends and family predicted she'd find a special someone and settle somewhere in paradise however, Anna swore she would never stay for a guy...until she visited Montañita, Ecuador and met her partner while surfing in the lineup.

    Join us for this episode where we'll dive into the pros and cons of dating someone who shares your passion for surfing. We'll talk about the importance of compatibility, support, & mutual respect in romance and the lineup.

    And of course, you'll hear surf lady confessions from listeners just like you to the question "How do you feel about dating another surfer."

    Main Themes:

    • Compatibility and respect for each other's passions are essential in any relationship, especially when dating another surfer. It is important to find someone who understands and supports your love for surfing.
    • Dating within the small surf community can have its complications, such as running into ex-partners at the same locations or events. This is a risk that comes with dating someone within a tight-knit community.
    • Some surf ladies prefer to keep surfing as their own personal activity, separate from their romantic relationships. They find solace and personal growth in riding waves on their own and prioritize their own surf experiences.
    • Finding a partner who enjoys spending time at the beach and is supportive of your surfing pursuits can be an appealing prospect. Having someone who understands the importance of prioritizing surfing can enhance your surfing experience in a relationship.

    This podcast is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy. Learn more at Surfsociete.com


    • Follow Laura Day: @confessionsofasurflady
    • Follow The Surf Société: @surfsociete
    • Follow Anna @surfingswede
    • Follow Anna's Social Media Services @reinasolutions
    • Follow Anna's Montanita Surf Tours @sunsetsurftrips

    Support the show

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

    Support the Show.

    Confessions of a Surf Lady is supported by The Surf Société, our unique digital women's surfing platform where we come together to Learn More. Surf Better. Live Happy.

    Try out a membership with your first 2 weeks FREE visit Surfsociete.com/join

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    39 mins