• I am whole. I am healed. I am me. Guided Reiki meditation ►Powerful Reprogramming for Childhood Trauma
    Feb 5 2024

    Centering Thought: I totally and completely love and accept myself just as I am today.

    Intention: I am whole. I am healed. I am me.

    LOVING CAUTION: As you ACTIVELY RECEIVE, you will direct Life Force Energy to the wherever you need healing. These audio tracks are a delivery system for healing.

    I am sending you Yo-Qi-Zen Reiki Ryoho Healing Energy. For the good of all and harm to none. You are receiving Reiki to REPROGRAM your stagnant, limiting MINDSET. As you ACTIVELY RECEIVE, you will direct Life Force Energy to the wherever you need healing.

    If you do not understand Reiki and want more information, you may email me at yoqizen@gmail.com. Simply type 'Reiki' in the subject line and I will send you a full, detailed overview of Reiki and how you may benefit from it. Reiki has no limitations, is not bound by time, space nor matter.

    Reiki flows as you direct it. Ingredients: Solfeggio frequencies Binaural sound therapy Guiding vocals Reiki healing energy Nature Intention Love

    ►Subscribe & Vibe♫ yoqizen.com

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    10 mins
  • ’I Deserve Abundance in my Life’ ► Mantra & Guided Heart Chakra ♫ Meditation
    Dec 3 2023

    Welcome to the YoQiZen Healing Arts Podcast, where we provide the transformative practice of Reiki healing. We invite you to actively receive the powerful benefits of Life Force Energy.


    As you actively receive, you will direct Life Force Energy to wherever you need healing.

    These audio tracks serve as a delivery system for healing, specifically Yo-Qi-Zen Reiki Ryoho Healing Energy. It is intended for the benefit of all and harm to none. Through this practice, you will reprogram your stagnant, limiting mindset. If you would like more information on Reiki, please email me at yoqizen@gmail.com with 'Reiki' in the subject line, and I will provide you with a full, detailed overview of Reiki and its potential benefits.

    Reiki has no limitations and is not bound by time, space, or matter. It flows as you direct it.

    The Yo-Qi-Zen Method:

    • Binaural brainwave healing frequencies to rebalance your energy (best with headphones)
    • Soothing, guided vocals to bring you deeper into the NOW
    • Positive subliminal messaging to reprogram limiting beliefs
    • Layered guided meditative vocals to immerse you in manifest mode
    • Music to rebalance and reconcile mind, body, spirit, and emotion

    Benefits of Meditation:

    • Increased creativity and cognitive enhancement.
    • Reduced anxiety and improved mood.
    • Helping you enter a meditative state.
    • Improved sleeping habits.
    • Helping to improve focus, attention, and memory retention.

    Help me keep this channel pure and ad free!

    For more, visit www.yoqizen.com and Join the YoQiZen™ Quarterly Newsletter!

    Remember to subscribe and vibe!

    ~ Namaste

    Felicia M. W. Bowers, RGMS

    Preparing to Meditate:

    As you listen to this episode, allow yourself to fully immerse in the soothing sounds and guidance provided. Find a peaceful and comfortable space where you can relax and let go of any distractions. Take a deep breath and become present in this moment of healing.

    Through the gentle yet powerful technique of Reiki healing, you will tap into the Life Force Energy and direct it towards areas that require healing and balance. Embrace any sensations, emotions, or insights that may arise during this practice, knowing that each session is unique and personalized to you.

    As you surrender to the experience, trust that the healing energy is intelligently guiding you towards abundance in all aspects of your life. Feel the energy flowing through you, bringing harmony, restoration, and a deep sense of deservingness.

    At the end of the episode, take a moment to express gratitude for the healing energy that has flowed through you. Acknowledge yourself for being open to this transformative experience and connect with the universal energy that supports your well-being.

    Remember, the power to heal and manifest abundance resides within you. May this episode bring you peace, balance, and wholeness on your journey.

    Reiki healing is a gentle yet profound technique that promotes holistic healing and balance within the body, mind, and spirit. As you listen to this audio, you become an active participant in your own healing journey. By consciously directing Life Force Energy, you can bring healing to wherever it is needed most.

    Allow yourself to fully immerse in the soothing sounds and guidance provided in this podcast. As you surrender to the experience, feel the energy flowing through you, bringing harmony and restoration. Whether you seek physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, Reiki can support you on your path to wellness.

    Remember to create a peaceful and comfortable space for yourself before starting the podcast. Find a quiet place where you can relax and let go of any distractions. Take a deep breath, allowing yourself to become present in this moment of healing.

    As you actively receive the Life Force Energy, trust that it is intelligently guiding you towards the areas that require healing. Embrace the sensations, emotions, and insights that may arise during this practice. Each session is unique, and your experience will be personalized to you.

    Express gratitude for the healing energy that flows through you at the end of each episode. Acknowledge yourself for being open to this transformative experience, and connect with the universal energy that supports your well-being.

    Remember, the power to heal and manifest abundance resides within you. May this podcast bring you peace, balance, and wholeness on your journey.

    Show More Show Less
    23 mins
  • ►Who Jesus is to Me - Part 1 ♫ Rant & Meditation
    Oct 30 2023

    ’Give up your worldly possessions and follow me”

    LOVING CAUTION: This audio is a delivery system for healing. I am sending you Yo-Qi-Zen Reiki Ryoho Healing Energy. For the good of all and harm to none. You are receiving Reiki to REPROGRAM your stagnant, limiting MINDSET. As you ACTIVELY RECEIVE, you will direct Life Force Energy to wherever you need healing. If you do not understand Reiki and want more information, you may email me at yoqizen@gmail.com.

    Monthly Offering: Restful Sleep & Sweet Dreams "Manifest while you sleep"

    Thank you for nearly 12,000 Downloads!

    When I began this podcast, I had no idea if you wanted to hear me.. if you could relate to my content or if you could hear me through all of the noise.

    Now I know! Yes, you are here with me and you are listening. Thank you.

    Moving forward, we will have the Power Hour on Sundays with Mantas, Meditations, Lessons and Laughs throughout the rest of the week.

    Also, I am preparing some 'Deep Dive' classes on Manifesting Health, Wealth, Wellbeing and Love.

    I need you to tap the SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY because I will be dropping by with gems of wisdom, rants, vibe out music and more. We have 12,000 downloads, now we need 12,000 subscribers to make the real magic happen.

    Be sure to access your monthly newsletter I made for you!



    Show More Show Less
    21 mins
  • Just Before you WIN the Game ► Wisdom & Meditation ♫
    Sep 24 2023

    "Every master was once a disaster." – David T.S Wood


    This audio is a delivery system for healing. I am sending you Yo-Qi-Zen Reiki Ryoho Healing Energy. For the good of all and harm to none. You are receiving Reiki to REPROGRAM your stagnant, limiting MINDSET. As you ACTIVELY RECEIVE, you will direct Life Force Energy to the wherever you need healing. If you do not understand Reiki and want more information, you may email me at yoqizen@gmail.com. Simply type 'Reiki' in the subject line and I will send you a full, detailed overview of Reiki and how you may benefit from it.

    The Yo-Qi-Zen Method:

    • Binaural brainwave healing frequencies to rebalance your energy (best with headphones ;)
    • Positive subliminal messaging to reprogram limiting beliefs
    • Layered guided meditative vocals to immerse you in manifest mode
    • Music to rebalance and reconcile mind, body, spirit and emotion

    Reiki has no limitations, is not bound by time, space nor matter. Reiki flows as you direct it.


    Benefits of Meditation

    • Increased creativity and cognitive enhancement.
    • Reduced anxiety and improved mood.
    • Helping you enter a meditative state.
    • Improved sleeping habits.
    • Helping to improve focus, attention, and memory retention.


    Let your mind settle...

    There is nothing you need to do

    There is nothing you need to know

    Just breathe

    just breathe...

    For more, visit www.yoqizen.com and Join the YoQiZen™ Quarterly Newsletter!

    Support the Cause

    ~ Namaste

    Felicia M. W. Bowers, RGMS

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 18 mins
  • ’Give Up’ ► Jesus Rant & Guided Heart Chakra ♫ Meditation
    Sep 20 2023

    Mantra: “I deserve Abundance”

    Welcome to the YoQiZen Healing Arts Podcast, where we provide the transformative practice of Reiki healing. We invite you to actively receive the powerful benefits of Life Force Energy.


    As you actively receive, you will direct Life Force Energy to wherever you need healing.

    These audio tracks serve as a delivery system for healing, specifically Yo-Qi-Zen Reiki Ryoho Healing Energy. It is intended for the benefit of all and harm to none. Through this practice, you will reprogram your stagnant, limiting mindset. If you would like more information on Reiki, please email me at yoqizen@gmail.com with 'Reiki' in the subject line, and I will provide you with a full, detailed overview of Reiki and its potential benefits.

    Reiki has no limitations and is not bound by time, space, or matter. It flows as you direct it.

    The Yo-Qi-Zen Method:

    • Binaural brainwave healing frequencies to rebalance your energy (best with headphones)
    • Soothing, guided vocals to bring you deeper into the NOW
    • Positive subliminal messaging to reprogram limiting beliefs
    • Layered guided meditative vocals to immerse you in manifest mode
    • Music to rebalance and reconcile mind, body, spirit, and emotion

    Benefits of Meditation:

    • Increased creativity and cognitive enhancement.
    • Reduced anxiety and improved mood.
    • Helping you enter a meditative state.
    • Improved sleeping habits.
    • Helping to improve focus, attention, and memory retention.

    Help me keep this channel pure and ad free!

    For more, visit www.yoqizen.com and Join the YoQiZen™ Quarterly Newsletter!

    Remember to subscribe and vibe!

    ~ Namaste

    Felicia M. W. Bowers, RGMS

    Preparing to Meditate:

    As you listen to this episode, allow yourself to fully immerse in the soothing sounds and guidance provided. Find a peaceful and comfortable space where you can relax and let go of any distractions. Take a deep breath and become present in this moment of healing.

    Through the gentle yet powerful technique of Reiki healing, you will tap into the Life Force Energy and direct it towards areas that require healing and balance. Embrace any sensations, emotions, or insights that may arise during this practice, knowing that each session is unique and personalized to you.

    As you surrender to the experience, trust that the healing energy is intelligently guiding you towards abundance in all aspects of your life. Feel the energy flowing through you, bringing harmony, restoration, and a deep sense of deservingness.

    At the end of the episode, take a moment to express gratitude for the healing energy that has flowed through you. Acknowledge yourself for being open to this transformative experience and connect with the universal energy that supports your well-being.

    Remember, the power to heal and manifest abundance resides within you. May this episode bring you peace, balance, and wholeness on your journey.

    Reiki healing is a gentle yet profound technique that promotes holistic healing and balance within the body, mind, and spirit. As you listen to this audio, you become an active participant in your own healing journey. By consciously directing Life Force Energy, you can bring healing to wherever it is needed most.

    Allow yourself to fully immerse in the soothing sounds and guidance provided in this podcast. As you surrender to the experience, feel the energy flowing through you, bringing harmony and restoration. Whether you seek physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, Reiki can support you on your path to wellness.

    Remember to create a peaceful and comfortable space for yourself before starting the podcast. Find a quiet place where you can relax and let go of any distractions. Take a deep breath, allowing yourself to become present in this moment of healing.

    As you actively receive the Life Force Energy, trust that it is intelligently guiding you towards the areas that require healing. Embrace the sensations, emotions, and insights that may arise during this practice. Each session is unique, and your experience will be personalized to you.

    Express gratitude for the healing energy that flows through you at the end of each episode. Acknowledge yourself for being open to this transformative experience, and connect with the universal energy that supports your well-being.

    Remember, the power to heal and manifest abundance resides within you. May this podcast bring you peace, balance, and wholeness on your journey.

    Show More Show Less
    52 mins
  • Thank You! Message and ♫Guided Meditation
    Aug 27 2023

    Thank you for nearly 12,000 Downloads!

    When I began this podcast, I had no idea if you wanted to hear me.. if you could relate to my content or if you could hear me through all of the noise.

    Now I know! Yes, you are here with me and you are listening. Thank you.

    Moving forward, we will have the Power Hour on Sundays with Mantas, Meditations, Lessons and Laughs throughout the rest of the week.

    Also, I am preparing some 'Deep Dive' classes on Manifesting Health, Wealth, Wellbeing and Love.

    I need you to tap the SUBSCRIBE and NOTIFY because I will be dropping by with gems of wisdom, rants, vibe out music and more. We have 12,000 downloads, now we need 12,000 subscribers to make the real magic happen.

    Be sure to access your monthly newsletter I made for you! September's issue will be linked here next Sunday.



    Show More Show Less
    26 mins
  • Behind the Scenes - BONUS Rant
    Jul 29 2023

    I just stopped by to share with you. Be blessed! And make sure you subscribe and hit the notification because I may pop up at any time.❤️‍🔥

    Show More Show Less
    4 mins
  • Join me Sundays LIVE for blessings prayer healing and meditation
    Jul 27 2023

    we explore the eight pillars of living our truest most fulfilled lives now. I speak health, wealth, well-being, love, peace, prosperity, longevity and protection over you and your loved ones always!


    Show More Show Less
    11 mins