• The Ultimate Guide: Unveiling the Untold Truths about real spirituality and new age
    May 7 2024

    Embark on a profound journey to deepen your spiritual connection and understanding of the divine with our insightful exploration on knowing the Lord. Discover wisdom, enlightenment, and a closer relationship with the divine through this transformative experience together with Dr. Nicolas Kimaz.

    In this captivating video titled "Embracing the Light: A Journey from New Age to Jesus," we invite you to embark on an eye-opening exploration. Join us as we dive deep into the fascinating transformation from the complex world of New Age spirituality to finding truth, peace, and purpose in embracing Jesus Christ. Through thought-provoking discussions, personal anecdotes, and profound insights, we unravel the layers of misunderstanding and skepticism surrounding the New Age movement. Discover how the quest for inner enlightenment and spiritual fulfillment led to a powerful transformation and a profound encounter with Jesus. Our journey takes us on a path of self-discovery, as we examine the allure of New Age practices such as astrology, crystal healing, and energy work, and shed light on their limitations and potential dangers. We share personal stories of how these practices once seemed enticing, promising a sense of connection and fulfillment, but ultimately left us feeling lost and unfulfilled. As we delve deeper into our individual quests, we encounter the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ. His love, grace, and teachings provide an unwavering foundation for genuine spiritual awakening. We explore how embracing Jesus not only filled the void within us but also opened our eyes to a greater purpose and a profound sense of belonging. Through this video, we hope to respectfully bridge the gap between New Age spirituality and the teachings of Jesus. Our intent is to inspire open-minded dialogue, dispel misconceptions, and offer hope to those searching for true spiritual fulfillment. Join us on this transformative journey from the complexities of the New Age movement to the undeniable light emanating from a personal relationship with Jesus. Discover how embracing the teachings of Jesus can bring profound joy, tranquility, and purpose to your own life.

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    1 hr and 9 mins
  • My Dream of the Second Coming -The Rapture is about to happen!
    May 3 2024

    Are you curious about the second coming of Jesus as depicted in the Bible? Look no further!

    The Rapture is about to happen and after that the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ will be seen by every single human on earth.

    Philippians 2:10-11

    Every knee will bow to the name of Jesus— everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and bring glory to God the Father.

    Welcome to "The Glorious Return: Unveiling the Second Coming of Jesus | From Prophecy to Fulfillment" video. In this enlightening presentation, we delve into the biblical texts that discuss the much-anticipated return of Jesus Christ. Prepare to witness an in-depth exploration of the prophecies that foretold this momentous event and how they are fulfilled. Our expert scholars and theologians provide comprehensive insights and analysis, guiding you on a fascinating journey through scripture. Discover the significance and meaning behind the second coming of Jesus, unravel the prophetic signs, and gain a deeper understanding of its relevance to our lives today. This captivating video aims to enlighten, inspire, and spark discussions surrounding this pivotal biblical event. Join us as we explore the symbolism, biblical references, and profound teachings concerning Jesus' return. Engage in thought-provoking interpretations and gain a renewed appreciation for the spiritual implications this event holds for believers worldwide. "The Glorious Return: Unveiling the Second Coming of Jesus | From Prophecy to Fulfillment" is a compelling resource for both believers and those seeking to enhance their knowledge of biblical prophecy. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into one of the most anticipated events in Christian faith. Subscribe now to our channel for more thought-provoking content surrounding biblical teachings. Stay tuned for other enlightening videos that explore various aspects of faith, spirituality, and understanding #Jesuschrist our #lord and #savior

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    21 mins
  • Want freedom in life? then watch this till the end!
    Apr 30 2024

    In the Bible, the concept of not forcing things in life is often reflected in verses that emphasize trust in God's timing and guidance. One key principle is the recognition that human efforts alone cannot control every aspect of life. Instead, individuals are encouraged to surrender their plans to God, seeking His will and trusting that He knows what is best for them. Scriptures highlight the importance of patience, faith, and reliance on God's providence, suggesting that forcing outcomes may lead to unintended consequences. The overarching message is to align one's actions with God's wisdom and timing, allowing His divine plan to unfold naturally.

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    12 mins
  • The Addiction Trap-Unveiling the Darkness & 5 Game-Changing Strategies for Freedom!
    Apr 21 2024

    I had a dream of Lizards and crazy people, it was vivid and full of truth about bad habits and addiction.

    strength in age-old wisdom can be a game-changer. The Bible, a timeless guide, offers profound insights that can pave the way for liberation from the chains of addiction. First and foremost, embracing faith is paramount. The power of belief and surrendering to a higher purpose provide a sturdy foundation for recovery. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding, acknowledging that divine guidance can lead us to freedom.

    Furthermore, cultivating a supportive community is crucial in this journey. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 highlights the strength found in unity, proclaiming that two are better than one, for they can help each other succeed and lift one another up. Sharing the burden of addiction with a compassionate and understanding community can make all the difference.

    Self-reflection is another essential strategy, as Psalm 139:23-24 urges us to search our hearts and invite God to reveal any harmful ways within us. Identifying the root causes of addiction is a crucial step towards lasting recovery.

    In addition, practicing gratitude, as advised in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, fosters a positive mindset. Gratitude shifts the focus from what is lacking to what is present, promoting healing and contentment in the process. Lastly, relying on the strength of prayer, as emphasized in Philippians 4:6-7, offers a direct line of communication with the Almighty, providing comfort, guidance, and the courage needed to break free from the grip of addiction. Through faith, community, self-reflection, gratitude, and prayer, the transformative power of biblical principles can illuminate the path toward freedom from addiction.

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    18 mins
  • Be aware of Bad Pastors and False Prophets!
    Apr 18 2024

    Beware of False Prophets: A Warning to Church Leaders


    In this episode of'Anchoring Hope' the speaker delivers a crucial message for pastors and leaders in the Church. The speaker begins by emphasizing that we are in the midst of a great shaking from the Lord, signaling the approaching end times. The warning is directed towards pastors and leaders who may be wolves in sheep's clothing, preying on the vulnerable members of their congregations. The speaker urges these leaders to turn from their ways, repent, and shepherd their flocks in a manner worthy of the love of Jesus Christ.

    Identifying False Prophets

    There are wolves disguised as sheep within the leadership of the Church.

    While not all pastors or priests are false prophets, there are many who mislead their flocks.

    The true Gospel of Jesus Christ includes both peace and repentance.

    Some pastors avoid discussing sin or misbehavior and focus solely on prosperity.

    The Bible teaches that salvation is through grace, but believers must also turn away from sin.

    In the last days, many will claim to have prophesied, healed, and performed miracles in the name of Jesus, but the Lord will reject them if their hearts are filled with sin.

    Warning from Ezekiel 34

    The speaker references Ezekiel chapter 34 to emphasize the seriousness of the warning.

    God condemns the pastors of Israel who prioritize their own interests over tending to the flock.

    The shepherds have not strengthened the weak, healed the sick, or sought the lost.

    As a result, the flock has scattered, and the sheep have become prey to various dangers.

    God declares that He is against these pastors and will hold them accountable for their actions.

    The Lord will deliver His flock from their mouths, ensuring they are no longer fed upon.

    The Consequences for False Prophets

    Many people are losing their faith due to false pastors and misleading teachings.

    Some individuals are turning to other religions or ideologies in search of God.

    The warning states that pastors who fail in their responsibilities will be removed from their congregations.

    Turning away from sin and repenting will allow pastors to continue leading with God's blessings.

    The Lord expects more from those in positions of authority and will judge them accordingly.

    The ultimate goal is to prevent even a single sheep from being lost.


    This message serves as a strong warning to pastors and leaders within the Church. It is crucial for them to examine their motives, teachings, and the way they shepherd their flocks. The speaker encourages congregants to share this message with their leadership, urging them to turn towards the Lord and prioritize the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Mercy and second chances are available for those who repent, but failure to do so will result in the loss of God's blessings and potential mockery. Love requires discipline, and true love seeks the well-being and spiritual growth of believers. The speaker ends by expressing love for the audience and wishing them a blessed day.

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    13 mins
  • The Prayer That Guarantees Eternal Life - La Oración Que Garantiza Vida Eterna
    Apr 15 2024

    Are you ready for eternal life? Let's pray together for Jesus to come into your heart and free you from all your sins. Say goodbye to misery and hello to eternal salvation! Discover the powerful prayer that guarantees eternal life and experience the love of the Lord like never before. Give your life to Him today! 🙏 #eternallife #prayer #Godslove ¿Estás listo para la vida eterna? Oremos juntos para que Jesús entre en tu corazón y te libere de todos tus pecados. ¡Dile adiós a la miseria y hola a la salvación eterna!Q Descubre la poderosa oración que garantiza la vida eterna y experimenta el amor del Señor como nunca antes. ¡Dale tu vida a Él hoy! 🙏 #vidaeterna #oración #amordeDios

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    4 mins
  • Demons' Influence on Your Health - La Influencia de los Demonios en Tu Salud
    Apr 9 2024

    In this episode, journey with us as we delve into the depths of history, theology, and spirituality to uncover the profound connection between Christ and humanity together with Dr. Nicholas Kimaz. Through discussions with experts, exploration of ancient texts, and personal reflections, we embark on a quest to understand the intricate threads that bind the divine to the human experience. Join us as we unravel the mysteries and discover the profound significance of Christ's presence in our lives.

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    56 mins
  • Dream of suicide #yourlifematters
    Apr 2 2024

    In this video I share two dreams related to suicide and purpose in life. They emphasize the importance of not taking one's life and encourage reaching out to Jesus for help. The dreams depict the struggle with pain and the realization that substances and addictions cannot numb the pain. I urge you to cry out for help and seek Jesus as the only solution. I also mention the importance of seeking support from pastors and hotlines. Finally I conclude with a prayer and a song recommendation.

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    12 mins